Senin, 31 Agustus 2009


* Interview with Armando from Death Thrasher Zine (Peru).
* Interview with Liisa from Metal History Zine (Canada).
* Interview with JenRachel from Inside Newsletter (Indonesia/Poland).
* Interview with Steven from Mega Metal Zine (Germany).
* Interview with Edd from Sangwitok Zine (Malaysia).
* Interview with Rizal from Metal Industries Web Zine (Singapore).
* Interview with Hasryin from Emperor Zine (Brunei).
* Interview with Din from 666 Zine (Malaysia).
* Interview with Lordz from Rielchrisya Minizine (Indonesia).
* Interview with Aziz from Dapur Letter Web Zine (Indonesia).
* Interview with Roger from Gore NewsLetters (Indonesia).
* Etc ....

For Magazine, Zine, Web Zine Etc...
If you want interview us please send message first before!

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